Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers Local 154-G
6-380 Adelaide St. N. London, ON N6B 3P6
Tel: (519) 432-2024 Fax: (519) 432-2153

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Negotiations concluded Saturday at approximately 8:30 pm.
Negotiations will resume this morning.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


April 16, 2012

Sisters and Brothers

The negotiating committee has met with the company for approximately 17 days. We have 4 days scheduled at the end of this month. We are encouraged with the progress and the talks are ongoing. 

The reason we had to extend the contract until April 30th is because the Ministry of Labour did not come into negotiations until April 5th. Typically the Ministry does not enter into negotiations until there is an impasse. This meant that the "no board report" was not submitted until April 5th. This put either side in a legal work stoppage position as of April 30 at 12:01am.

We are back across the table on April 26, 27, 28 and 29th.
Provided we reach a tentative agreement, we anticipate having a ratification meeting on or about May 5th.

In solidarity,

Bob Martin

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The strike or lock-out deadline is now Sunday April 29 at midnight. It was previously expected to be Monday, April 30 at midnight. Negotiation meetings have been scheduled up to and including April 29.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Negotiations Update....

The parties continue to negotiate and have gone late into the evening each night this week. More meetings are scheduled this month to work through items remaining on the bargaining table.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Update :

Negotiations continue with meetings scheduled today through Friday.
The date for a legal strike or lock-out action is now midnight April 30.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Strike Mandate Meeting

Strike Mandate Information

A strike mandate vote is one of several procedural elements required by Ontario's Labour Relations Act to put the negotiating parties into a legal position to engage in a labour disruption.

A maximum presence of the membership at the strike mandate meeting coupled with a strong vote of support for the Union Bargaining Committee sends a clear message to the employer, the International Union, and the Ontario Labour Relations Board that the membership is united behind its bargaining agents. It allows our Bargaining Committee to return to the table in a stronger position which can reduce the possibility of a strike or lockout and increase the likelihood of gaining a fair contract settlement.

This vote occurs when our Bargaining Committee calls upon us as members to give them a “strike mandate” by means of a vote. That is, the membership gives permission to the Bargaining Committee to call for a legal labour disruption in the event that negotiations break down.

At the meeting, members will be given information on demands being exchanged at the negotiating table. On the ballot, members are asked whether they are in favour of the Bargaining Committee taking strike action if negotiations break down. The vote of the membership is conducted by secret ballot.

Does a successful strike vote or "yes" vote mean that we will be going on strike?

Not necessarily, and the 2009 Collective Agreement negotiations confirm this. At that time, our Bargaining Committee chose to continue to negotiate rather than strike, even though we were in a legal position to do so. Often employers will not put everything on the table until the Union holds a strike mandate vote to determine the level of support from the membership. Most contract negotiations are resolved following a strong show of support through this process. Because the primary strength of workers lies in their ability to withdraw or disrupt their labour (as in a strike), the strike mandate vote is a common and important step in the negotiation process set out by the Labour Relations Act.

Why do we need strong attendance for the vote?

Priorities and proposals have been determined through months of consultations, surveys and Union meetings. Full vote participation from our 500+ members demonstrates the strength of our membership’s commitment and support for our elected Bargaining Committee, sending the strongest message possible to the employer.

A weak strike mandate may indicate to the company that we are not strongly opposed to their proposals. Gaining improvements to the contract becomes very difficult without a strong strike mandate. The stronger the mandate, the better the possibility of a strong negotiated collective agreement. A weak or divided vote draws out the process and can often lead to a strike or lockout situation because the employer has no incentive to negotiate.









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2012 Picket duty schedule

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